Tzu Chi University (Taiwan) and Naresuan University (Thailand) bridges Collaborations to Strengthen International Academic and Research Partnerships

Professor Dr. Ingrid Liu (center), President of Tzu Chi University, and Professor Dr. Richard Yang (back center right) from Department of Physical Therapy, and Professor Dr. Shang-Jyh Liu (far left), Dean of International Affairs, welcome NU delegates led by Professor Dr. Kornkanok Ingkaninan (center right), Vice President for Research and Innovation Development, Naresuan University, and Associate Professor Dr. Krongkarn Chootip (center left), Dean of the Graduate School.

On 29th-30th May 2023, Professor Dr. Kornkanok Ingkaninan, Vice President for Research and Innovation Development, Naresuan University (NU), led the NU administrative team comprising (i) Dr. Yutthapong Tongpob, Assistant to the President for Research and Innovation Development; (ii) Associate Professor Dr. Usa Padgate, Assistant to the President for International Affairs and Deputy Dean for Student Development of the Graduate School; (iii) Associate Professor Dr. Krongkarn Chootip, Dean of the Graduate School; (iv) Assistant Professor Piriya Narukhutrpichai, Dean of Faculty of Medicine; (v) Associate Professor Thanya Sangkhaphanthanon, Dean of Faculty of Humanities; (vi) Associate Professor Dr. Vichayanan Rattanawiboonsom, Dean of Faculty of Business, Economics and Communications; (vii) Associate Professor Dr. Anamai Na-udom, Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs of the Graduate School; (viii) Assistant Professor Dr. Supaporn Lamlertthon, Deputy Dean for Research of the Graduate School; (iv) Assistant Professor Dr. Passawan Korakotchamas, Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs of Faculty of Business, Economics and Communications; and (x) Assistant Professor Dr. Kanokkarn Snae Namahhot, Deputy Dean for Research of Faculty of Business, Economics and Communications, in a visit to Tzu Chi University (TCU), Hualien, Taiwan.

Professor Dr. Ingrid Liu (center), President of TCU, welcomes the delegation from NU. NU delegates discuss ongoing and potential collaborations with TCU President and Dr. Peerathorn Varinthra (center right).

Professor Dr. Kornkanok Ingkaninan (left), Vice President for Research and Innovation Development, presents NU Thai gift sets to the TCU President, Professor Dr. Ingrid Liu (right).

Professor Dr. Ingrid Liu (left), TCU President, presents 4 NU Deans: (i) Associate Professor Dr. Krongkarn Chootip (top left), Dean of the Graduate School; (ii) Assistant Professor Dr. Piriya Narukhutrpichai (top right), Dean of Faculty of Medicine; (iii) Associate Professor Dr. Thanya Sangkhaphanthanon (bottom left), Dean of Faculty of Humanities; and (iv) Associate Professor Dr. Vichayanan Rattanawiboonsom (bottom right), Dean of Faculty of Business, Economics and Communications, and all NU team members with TCU gift sets of book and traditional Taiwanese herbal products.

Professor Dr. Kornkanok Ingkaninan (right), Vice President for Research and Innovation Development, presents NU Thai gift sets to Associate Professor Dr. Hsinyi Hsia (left), Dean of International Affairs, Tzu Chi University.

NU delegates were welcomed by Chair Professor Dr. Shang-Jyh Liu, the Consultant Office of the President; Associate Professor Dr. Hsinyi Hsiao, Dean of International Affairs; Professor Dr. Chun-Chieh Tseng, Dean of Research and Development Affairs, Professor Dr. Guang-Huey Lin, Dean of the International College; and the TCU administrative team at TCU Main Campus in Hualien, Taiwan (ROC).

NU delegates and TCU administrative team give presentations of their research focus and achievements and discussed potential collaborative projects.

NU Team members discusses academic and research collaborations and student & staff mobility activities with TCU delegates from Institute of Medical Sciences, Institute of Pharmacology and Toxicology, Institute of Clinical Pharmacy, Institute of Physiological and Anatomical Medicine, TCU International College, and College of Education and Communication.

After the morning meeting with TCU administrative personnel, the NU delegates met with Professor Dr. Ingrid Y Liu, President of TCU, and had further discussions on ongoing and new collaborative projects, a summary of which is as follows: (i) To continue a strong TCU-NU university-level agreement; (ii) To continue a strong relationship in research and teaching between Faculty of Medical Science at NU and Institute of Medical Science, College of Medicine at TCU; (iii) To build a TCU-NU research competitive network in herbal medicine (iv) To further expand research and academic collaborations as well as staff and student mobility activities in, among others, Faculties of Medicine, Public Health, Allied Health Science, Pharmaceutical Sciences, Humanities, Social Sciences and Business Economics and Communications; (v) To continue student exchange programs for research work in Biomedical Science areas through TCU International Research Internship Program and expand the exchange program to Social Science areas; (vi) To develop short-term university-level cultural exchange activities; (vii) To co-host annual conferences with TCU and Academia Sinica; and (viii) To create potential joint symposia and research projects.

NU delegates with Professor Dr. Shang-Jyh Liu and faculty members have memorial group photography in front of the Dharma Master Yin Shun Statue at Tzu Chi University.

The NU delegation discusses with the TCU administrative team and staff members on potential collaborations.

The NU delegation also visited the Seniors Health Hub at TCU Physical Education Center, with the guidance of Professor Dr. Huei-Jhen Wen. The team then discussed about staff exchange and training possibilities with Professor Dr. Wen.


The NU delegates then separated into two groups (i) to visit the Laboratories of Institute of Medical Sciences, Graduate Institute of Clinical Pharmacy, Institute of Pharmacology and Toxicology, Institute of Physiological and Anatomical Medicine, Department of Molecular Biology and Human Genetics and (ii) to visit Da Ai Building, TCU radio studio and TCU film studio.

The NU team has been guided by Professor Dr. Huei-Jhen Wen (center right) in a visit to the Seniors Health Hub members at TCU Physical Education Centre.

Dr. Ming-Der Lin, Laboratory of Developmental Genetics discusses with NU delegates about using the Zebrafish model to test the efficacy and mechanism of herbal drugs.

NU delegates visit Da Ai Building, TCU radio studio, and TCU film studio.

Dr. Yutthapong Tongpob (left) with Assistant Professor Dr. Chich-Haung Richard Yang (right), Department of Physical Therapy, during their discussion on research collaborations and scholarships for NU’s Physical Therapy students.


In the afternoon, the NU team visited Medical Simulation Center directed by Professor Dr. Tseng Guo-Fang, the Director of Medical Simulation Center, and discussed about basic clinical skills, surgery training programs and interaction-based and silent mentor-based clinical skill training programs that could be applied at Department of Anatomy, NU.

Professor Dr. Tseng Guo-Fang, the Director of Medical Simulation Center gives a interesting presention about Silent  Mentor Program (Altrustic mentoring).

NU delegation is in the Tzu Chi Culture Center (Jing Si Hall).

NU delegation is in front of Tzu Chi Culture Center (Jing Si Hall).

The meeting underscores the significance of actively promoting mobility opportunities for students, facilitating staff exchanges, and encouraging visits to fortify the close collaborations between NU and TCU.

Both Universities firmly believes that this dedicated effort to sustain academic and research linkages would unlock boundless possibilities for cooperation, enhancing the capabilities of staff and students from both TCU and NU. Ultimately, this synergy would empower the human resources of Taiwan and Thailand, fostering a desirable outcome.

The TCU-NU meeting highlighted the importance of actively promoting opportunities for double dree programs, research international collaborations and student mobility activities, facilitating exchanges of staff members, and encouraging visits to strengthen the close collaborations between TCU and NU. At the end of the discussion, both institutions strongly believed that this committed endeavor to maintain academic and research connections would open up endless possibilities for cooperation, enhancing the skills and abilities of staff and students from both TCU and NU. Ultimately, this collaboration would empower the human resources of Taiwan and Thailand, leading to impactful outcomes.



Organized by NU Graduate School and Division of Research and Innovation  (NU DRI)

Photographed by Yutthapong Tongpob, Piriya Narukhutrpichai, & Vichayanan Rattanawiboonsom

Reported by Supaporn Lamlertthon & Yutthapong Tongpob

English Edited by Usa Padgate


More information can be accessed from NU website:

More information can be accessed from TCU website:

