Visit by Staff from EduHK

      Dr. Charatdao Kongmuang, Vice President Student Development, Alumni and Arts and Culture, welcomed Assoc. Prof. Dr. Lina Vyas and her colleague from Faculty of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences, the Education University of Hong Kong (EduHK) during their official visit to Faculty of Social Sciences.  EduHK was keen to receive students from NU under summer school program at both master’s and bachelor’s levels while Faculty of Social Sciences, besides sending its students to EduHK for master’s study by support from EduHK every year, was about to accommodate students (max 5) from EduHK to spend their internship for a few month period.  EduHK is also considered a potential destination for NU supporting staff members to elevate their English proficiency subsequently useful for different types of positions.  Given these, the recently expired MoU between EduHK and NU is currently in a renewal process.


      The discussion occurred on March 30, 2023 at 9.00 a.m. at Naresuan Room 1, Office of the President.

