Agreements with Hindustan Institute of Technology and Science Inked

Agreements with Hindustan Institute of Technology and Science Inked

Delegated by President of Naresuan University, Dr. Boonsub Panichakarn, Vice President, and his team from Graduate School and Faculty of Engineering virtually met with senior staff members of Hindustan Institute of Technology and Science (HITS), India led by Dr. S. N. Sridhara, Vice Chancellor to affix signatures on a memorandum of understanding and an agreement on dual degree program at postgraduate level.  This not only widened interchange of staff between the two universities but broadened opportunity for students to take part in mobility actions or study dual master/Ph.D., which minimum residential at the counterpart is six months for master and one year for Ph.D.; the degree is jointly awarded.

The online event was convened on Thursday, September 9, 2021 at 11.30 a.m. at Room 205, Center for Information Technology and Communication Services.

