Virtual Signing Ceremony with the Royal University of Bhutan

Virtual Signing Ceremony with the Royal University of Bhutan


Headed by Honorable Dasho Nidup Dorji, Vice Chancellor of the Royal University of Bhutan and his executive team members, an online signing ceremony was arranged to formalize international linkage between the two parties, particularly College of Science and Technology (RUB) and Faculty of Engineering (NU).  Honorary Prof. Dr. Kanchang Ngourungsi, President of Naresuan University led her executives to take part in this important event, which made possible by a series of previous activities such as student exchange program in the area of Computer Engineering, Electrical Engineering, and Civil Engineering. This includes the current invitation for Mr. Yeshi Jamtsho, an NU alumni, to be a Curriculum Development Committee for the Bachelor of Engineering in Intelligent Innovation Engineering (English Program).

The signing was made on Friday, September 3, 2021 at Room 205, Center for Information Technology and Communication Services.


